This page contains the ressources from Conference on Research in Faith and Health in Secular Society: 17th-19th of May 2010

These ressources are organized in posts / spaces for each presentation that you can select by clicking the title of the presentations below. They may contain:

1. Presentation abstract
2. Presenter CV
3. Powerpoint
4. Recordings (video for keynotes, audio for papers)
5. Relevant papers

The Abstract Booklet can be downloaded in PDF-format here.

To download a printable short version of the program of the past conference in PDF-format, please click here.

Monday 17th of May 2010:

09:30 Arrival, coffee with light breakfast.
Welcome and Introduction: By Ass. Prof., theol.dr. Niels Christian Hvidt, Institue of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark and Ph.d. clinical health psychologist Peter La Cour, Pain Clinic, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen. Auditorium U100

Plenary Opening Session: Status on Research in Religion, Health and Meaning Making in secular society – Auditorium U100

State of the Art in Research in Faith and Health: By MD., MHSc., Prof. Dr., Harold G. Koenig, Duke University & Duke Medical School, North Carolina
Religion and Coping: The Current State of Knowledge: By Prof. Dr., Kenneth I. Pargament, Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
11:45 Coffee
Positive Illusions? Reflections on the Reported Benefits of Being Religious: By Prof. Dr., David M. Wulff, Department of Psychology, Wheaton College, MA
12:45 Panel Discussion
13:15 Lunch
Paper Sessions: Health, coping and critical thinking
(Coffee is available from 15:30)
Religion and long life: What are confounders, what are explaining variables? – Room U97
Chair: Harold G. Koenig
1. René HeftiReligion, spirituality and longevity – is stress buffering an explaining variable?
2. Christoffer Johansen: Religion and Reduced Cancer Risk – What is the explanation? A Review
3. Peter La Cour: Reconsidering Survival and Church Attendance in Modern Denmark

Religious coping in a Northern European context – Room U98

Chair: Kenneth I. Pargament
1. Jack Korver: Spiritual / magical coping and lung cancer
2. Heidi F. Pedersen: Concepts of God reflected in religious coping: Preliminary results of a qualitative content validation study of Brief RCOPE in secular society
3. Tor Torbjørnsen: God help me! Religious coping in 15 Norwegian cancer patients Prayer, Meditation, Health and Coping – Room U99
Chair: David M. Wulff
1. Pehr Granqvist: Attachtment, prayer and well-being: A longitudinal study
2. Niels Viggo Hansen: Meditation techniques as health interventions: Practical and philosophical considerations
3. Peter Elsass: ‘Stress reduction or spiritual compassion’ – Tibetan questioning our Western way of meditation
16:30 Poster Presentation – Campustorvet
1. Elisabeth Assing Hvidt: Existential, religious and spiritual orientations among Danish cancer patients in a secular context: A qualitative investigation within cancer rehabilitation
2. Fabienne Knudsen: Wanted! Possible links between religious coping and safety
3. Christina Prinds Rasmussen: Faith, existence and birth of preterm babies – Existential and religious issues among mothers of babies born preterm
4. Katja Nielsen: When humans and non-humans transform
5. Dorte Toudal Viftrup: Crisis, Faith and Meaning – A Study of Danish Christian Clients’ use of Religiosity as a Meaning-system during Personal Crisis
6. Christine Tind Johannesen-Henry: Religious Belief and Coping with Cancer – a Quantitative Study among Danish Cancer Survivors
7. Diana Rigtrup: Ritual and Meaning
8. Jens Pedersen: Examining Religious Meaning-Making
9. Stein Conradsen: Interpretation of Illness – Cancer, coping and life interpretation in a cultural perspective. An idea for an empirical study.
18:00 Social event: Guided tour in the city of Hans Christian Andersen (free).


Tuesday 18th of May:

09:30 Arrival and coffee

Plenary Session: Different Goals, Different Methods in Religion, Health and Meaning Making Research in Secular Society – Auditorium U100

Quantitative methods to Measure Spirituality/Religiosity in Patients with Chronic Illness from Northern Europe: By Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing, MD, Zentrum für Integrative Medizin, Universität Witten/Herdecke, Germany.
Qualitative methods Used in a Study on Religious and Spiritual Coping Methods among Cancer Patients in Sweden: By Prof. Dr. Fereshteh Ahmadi, Department of Caring Sciences and Sociology, University of Gävle, Sweden.
11:30 Coffee
Mixing Methods and Questioning Foundations: Exploring the Relation between Design and Theory: By professor of psychology. Prof. Dr., Kevin Ladd, Department of Psychology, Indiana University, South Bend, Indiana.
12:30 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
Paper Sessions: Methodological challenges
(Coffee is available from 15:30)
Conceptualizing and measuring the field of meaning making and health – Room U97
Chair: Arndt Büssing
1. Peter la Cour & Niels Christian Hvidt: Taking both secular spiritual and religious meaning making seriously
2. Constantin Klein: Measuring interest in existential questions: An opportunity to measure worldviews beyond the religion – spirituality antagonism
3. Torgeir Sørensen: Religious context and the relationships between church attendance and blood pressure. The HUNT study, Norway

Cancer and religious change – qualitative approaches – Room U98

Chair: Fereshteh Ahmadi
1. Nadja Ausker: To be or not to be religious? Consolidation or transformation of non-religiosity among younger cancer patients in a secular society
2. Mikael Lundmark: The interdependence between religiosity and changed life situation due to cancer. A study of 20 Swedish Christians with cancer diseases: Preliminary findings
3. Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg: Belief and Hope in Hospitals – The Work of Chaplains and Imams in a Secular Context Bad health and existential narrative – Room U99
Chair: Kevin Ladd
1. Gabriella Otty: Illness as a path – A journey to the dark places of wisdom
2. Tove Elisabeth Kruse: Interpretation of Illness and use of history – A modern notion of sin as link between causes of illness and roads to healing
3. Jeanette Ladegaard Knox: Philosophical Care as Medicine for The Soul
16:30 Coffee Break
17:30 Social event in Odense: Departure by bus from the main entrance of the University to Munke Mose
18:00 Boat Trip on Odense River. Departure by boat from Munke Mose
18:25 Arrival at Odense Zoo
18:30 Apperitif with the penguins of Odense Zoo
19:00 Conference Dinner in Skovbakken Restaurant Zoo


Wednesday 19th of May:

09:30 Arrival and coffee
Paper Sessions: Existence, spirituality and religiosity in the secular context
(Coffee is available from 11:00)
Pastoral care, Chaplaincy and Psychotheraphy – Room U97
Chair: Tor Johan Grevbo
1.Naveed Baig and Nadia Qureshi: Delivering spiritual and religious care to patients with ethnic minority backgrounds. Emerging religious resources amongst minorities during hospital admittance. The case of Ethnic Resourceteam at Rigshospitalet and Herlev Hospital, Denmark
2. Niels Christian Hvidt: Theological Perspectives in Religion and Coping
3. Mikkel Wold: Theology and psychology. The relation between psychotherapy and pastoral care

Spiritual aspects of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) – Room U98
Chair: Peter la Cour
1. Christina Gundgaard Pedersen: Religious / spiritual faith and use of complementary and alternative medicine among Danish cardiac patients. Preliminary results from the Cardiac Recovery Study
2. Ann Ostenfeld-Rosenthal: Re-enchanted bodies: Experiences of the sacred and healing
3. Rita Agdal: The sacred individual – a starting point to understand “energy healing”
4. Anita Ulrich: Complementary and alternative medicine as spiritual practice in cancer treatment
The nature of existential concerns in secular society – Room U99
Chair: Hans Raun Iversen
1. Sidsel Bekke Hansen: Existential considerations and faith among hospitalized Danish cardiac patients. Preliminary results from the Cardiac Recovery Study
2. Maria Liljas Stålhandske: Existential experiences in a clinical context: On abortion in secularized Sweden
3. Kirsten Haugaard Christensen: Spiritual Care Perspectives of Danish Nurses
12:30 Lunch
Faith and Health in Secular Society in the Perspective from Theory and Practice of Pastoral Care:  By Prof. Dr. Theol. Tor Johan Grevbo, Diakonova University College, Oslo – Auditorium U100
Summary on Conceptual Issues in Religion, Health and Meaning Making: By Peter La Cour and Niels Christian Hvidt – Auditorium U100
15:30 Drinks and Snacks – Campustorvet