This page contains the ressources from Conference on Research in Faith and Health in Secular Society: 17th-19th of May 2010
These ressources are organized in posts / spaces for each presentation that you can select by clicking the title of the presentations below. They may contain:
1. Presentation abstract
2. Presenter CV
3. Powerpoint
4. Recordings (video for keynotes, audio for papers)
5. Relevant papers
The Abstract Booklet can be downloaded in PDF-format here.
To download a printable short version of the program of the past conference in PDF-format, please click here.
Monday 17th of May 2010:
09:30 |
Arrival, coffee with light breakfast. |
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Welcome and Introduction: By Ass. Prof., theol.dr. Niels Christian Hvidt, Institue of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark and Ph.d. clinical health psychologist Peter La Cour, Pain Clinic, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen. Auditorium U100 |
Plenary Opening Session: Status on Research in Religion, Health and Meaning Making in secular society – Auditorium U100
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State of the Art in Research in Faith and Health: By MD., MHSc., Prof. Dr., Harold G. Koenig, Duke University & Duke Medical School, North Carolina |
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Religion and Coping: The Current State of Knowledge: By Prof. Dr., Kenneth I. Pargament, Department of Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Ohio |
11:45 |
Coffee |
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Positive Illusions? Reflections on the Reported Benefits of Being Religious: By Prof. Dr., David M. Wulff, Department of Psychology, Wheaton College, MA |
12:45 |
Panel Discussion |
13:15 |
Lunch |
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Paper Sessions: Health, coping and critical thinking
(Coffee is available from 15:30) |
Religion and long life: What are confounders, what are explaining variables? – Room U97
Chair: Harold G. Koenig
1. René Hefti: Religion, spirituality and longevity – is stress buffering an explaining variable?
2. Christoffer Johansen: Religion and Reduced Cancer Risk – What is the explanation? A Review
3. Peter La Cour: Reconsidering Survival and Church Attendance in Modern Denmark
Religious coping in a Northern European context – Room U98
Chair: Kenneth I. Pargament
1. Jack Korver: Spiritual / magical coping and lung cancer
2. Heidi F. Pedersen: Concepts of God reflected in religious coping: Preliminary results of a qualitative content validation study of Brief RCOPE in secular society
3. Tor Torbjørnsen: God help me! Religious coping in 15 Norwegian cancer patients Prayer, Meditation, Health and Coping – Room U99
Chair: David M. Wulff
1. Pehr Granqvist: Attachtment, prayer and well-being: A longitudinal study
2. Niels Viggo Hansen: Meditation techniques as health interventions: Practical and philosophical considerations
3. Peter Elsass: ‘Stress reduction or spiritual compassion’ – Tibetan questioning our Western way of meditation |
16:30 |
Poster Presentation – Campustorvet |
1. Elisabeth Assing Hvidt: Existential, religious and spiritual orientations among Danish cancer patients in a secular context: A qualitative investigation within cancer rehabilitation
2. Fabienne Knudsen: Wanted! Possible links between religious coping and safety
3. Christina Prinds Rasmussen: Faith, existence and birth of preterm babies – Existential and religious issues among mothers of babies born preterm
4. Katja Nielsen: When humans and non-humans transform
5. Dorte Toudal Viftrup: Crisis, Faith and Meaning – A Study of Danish Christian Clients’ use of Religiosity as a Meaning-system during Personal Crisis
6. Christine Tind Johannesen-Henry: Religious Belief and Coping with Cancer – a Quantitative Study among Danish Cancer Survivors
7. Diana Rigtrup: Ritual and Meaning
8. Jens Pedersen: Examining Religious Meaning-Making
9. Stein Conradsen: Interpretation of Illness – Cancer, coping and life interpretation in a cultural perspective. An idea for an empirical study. |
18:00 |
Social event: Guided tour in the city of Hans Christian Andersen (free). |
Tuesday 18th of May:
Plenary Session: Different Goals, Different Methods in Religion, Health and Meaning Making Research in Secular Society – Auditorium U100
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Quantitative methods to Measure Spirituality/Religiosity in Patients with Chronic Illness from Northern Europe: By Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing, MD, Zentrum für Integrative Medizin, Universität Witten/Herdecke, Germany. |
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Qualitative methods Used in a Study on Religious and Spiritual Coping Methods among Cancer Patients in Sweden: By Prof. Dr. Fereshteh Ahmadi, Department of Caring Sciences and Sociology, University of Gävle, Sweden. |
11:30 |
Coffee |
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Mixing Methods and Questioning Foundations: Exploring the Relation between Design and Theory: By professor of psychology. Prof. Dr., Kevin Ladd, Department of Psychology, Indiana University, South Bend, Indiana. |
12:30 |
Discussion |
13:00 |
Lunch |
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Paper Sessions: Methodological challenges
(Coffee is available from 15:30) |
Conceptualizing and measuring the field of meaning making and health – Room U97
Chair: Arndt Büssing
1. Peter la Cour & Niels Christian Hvidt: Taking both secular spiritual and religious meaning making seriously
2. Constantin Klein: Measuring interest in existential questions: An opportunity to measure worldviews beyond the religion – spirituality antagonism
3. Torgeir Sørensen: Religious context and the relationships between church attendance and blood pressure. The HUNT study, Norway
Cancer and religious change – qualitative approaches – Room U98
Chair: Fereshteh Ahmadi
1. Nadja Ausker: To be or not to be religious? Consolidation or transformation of non-religiosity among younger cancer patients in a secular society
2. Mikael Lundmark: The interdependence between religiosity and changed life situation due to cancer. A study of 20 Swedish Christians with cancer diseases: Preliminary findings
3. Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg: Belief and Hope in Hospitals – The Work of Chaplains and Imams in a Secular Context Bad health and existential narrative – Room U99
Chair: Kevin Ladd
1. Gabriella Otty: Illness as a path – A journey to the dark places of wisdom
2. Tove Elisabeth Kruse: Interpretation of Illness and use of history – A modern notion of sin as link between causes of illness and roads to healing
3. Jeanette Ladegaard Knox: Philosophical Care as Medicine for The Soul |
16:30 |
Coffee Break |
17:30 |
Social event in Odense: Departure by bus from the main entrance of the University to Munke Mose |
18:00 |
Boat Trip on Odense River. Departure by boat from Munke Mose |
18:25 |
Arrival at Odense Zoo |
18:30 |
Apperitif with the penguins of Odense Zoo |
19:00 |
Conference Dinner in Skovbakken Restaurant Zoo |
Wednesday 19th of May: