Book: Meaning-making Methods for Coping with Serious Illness
In their new book, the Fereshteh Ahmadi and Nader Ahmadi explore the influence of culture on choice of coping…
In their new book, the Fereshteh Ahmadi and Nader Ahmadi explore the influence of culture on choice of coping…
[:en]Kære kolleger, Til inspiration: en meget interessant – omend kort – artikel om humanistisk præstevirke er netop blevet publiceret.…
[:en] Fredag d. 23.3 forsvarer psykolog Lene Vase sin doktorafhandling ”Can insights from placebo and nocebo mechanisms studies improve…
[:en] Dear All, I would like to remind you of this job posting. They did not find a…
[:en]Kære venner og kolleger, Næste år vil den nordiske konference for religionspsykologi – vanen tro – blive afholdt i…
[:en]On the 15th of December, Niels Christian Hvidt officially joined the position as Professor of Spiritual care, with…