New publication: Is Religiousness Associated with Better Lifestyle and Health Among Danes? Findings from SHARE
Newly published article from members of the network regarding the association between religiosness and health among danes. See…
Newly published article from members of the network regarding the association between religiosness and health among danes. See…
[:en]Dear All, Here is a book that may be of interest. Munksgaard publishes a textbook on spiritual care.…
[:en] Dear All, This new book with individual chapters accessible at Springer might be of interest to many: …
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Tracy and Michael Balboni from Harvard Medical School have published an interesting book together…
Finn Thorbjørn Hansen At arbejde undringsdrevet flytter horisonten for vores arbejde. I praksis vender en sådan horisontforskydning op…
[:en]Kære Netværk, Vedhæftede kursus kunne måske være interessant for nogen af jer eller nogen I kender. Bedste…