Forholdet mellem tro og helbred blandt tvillinger i Danmark
Description of the researchproject on the relationship between faith and health among Danish twins in Danish: Forholdet mellem…
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Description of the researchproject on the relationship between faith and health among Danish twins in Danish: Forholdet mellem…
There will be held a conference of religious psychology and related subjects The website is: Vienna in…
Dear everybody, I think this comprehensive cover article from Time Magazine will be of interest to you. Best regards,…
“Society without God” is a new book by the american sociologist of religion Phil Zuckerman. “Society without God”…
“I hjertet af Danmark” (In the heart of Denmark) is a new book about mentalities and institutions in…
New book of the meaning of life; of religion and health: Christoffer Johansen and Niels Christian Hvidt (ed).…