English You can read more about the Francis-Louden Mystical Orientation Scale in this article The scale can be downloaded here. Danish Læs mere om the Francis-Louden Mystical Orientation Scale i denne artikel Skalaen kan downloades her. 29/01/2009Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Faith Maturity Scale (FMS)NextNext post:IAPR 2009 Konference i ReligionspsykologiRelated PostsNew publication: Is Religiousness Associated with Better Lifestyle and Health Among Danes? Findings from SHARE05/06/2020Ny lærebog om åndelig omsorg24/06/2019New Book at Springer "Spirituality in Healthcare: Perspectives for Innovative Practice"23/05/2019Hostility to Hospitality: Spirituality and Professional Socialization within Medicine17/04/2019At møde verden med undren – Dannelse, innovation og organisatorisk udvikling i et værensfilosofisk perspektiv06/02/2019Palliativ indsats med fokus på mellemmenneskelige og eksistentielle aspekter24/01/2019
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