Milieu for Humanistic Psychosocial Cancer Research
University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Public Health, Research Unit: Man, Health and Society, Odense
The Milieu for Humanistic Cancer research ( is an interdisciplinary research network established in 2007 on grants from The Danish Cancer Society, the Psychosocial Research Committee. It focuses on cancer patients’ existential questions and problems, especially in relation to ethics and aesthetics. The network is based on the humanistic research tradition with its use of theory based qualitative methods such as qualitative interviews, focus group discussions, participant-observation and ethnographic fieldwork.
You can read more about the background, the aims, the vision and the organisation of mifohuk at er et tværdisciplinært forskningsmiljø, der har kræftpatienters eksistentielle spørgsmål og problemer som sit primære omdrejningspunkt. Miljøet blev dannet i november 2007 på en bevilling fra Det Psykosociale Forskningsudvalg, Kræftens Bekæmpelse, og er det første af sin art i verden. MifoHuK bygger på en humanistisk forskningstradition med brug af teoribaserede kvalitative forskningsstrategier. Læs mere om miljøet på dets hjemmeside