Vi har bare så smått begynt å forstå hvilke virkningsmekanismer som settes i sving når mennesker helbredes – enten gjennom medisinsk behandling eller som noe «uforklarlig». Med denne samlingen håper vi å komme litt nærmere en forståelse. Vi har blant annet fått med oss et verdensnavn, professor Esther M. Sternberg ved National Institute of Health, USA. Hun har skrevet flere bøker, en rekke artikler, bidrar i TV-produksjoner og er en svært ettertraktet FOREDRAGSHOLDER verden rundt. På konferansen vil hun presentere forskning på hvordan kroppens egne helbredende egenskaper stimuleres av miljøet vi omgir oss med, så som ARKITEKTUR og estetikk, natur, spiritualitet og menneskelige relasjoner. Hva settes i gang av endokrine og immunologiske prosesser når vi kommer oss?
Vi spør også hvordan ritualer kan tas i bruk i psykiatrisk behandling i en tverrkulturell kontekst (Valerie DeMarinis), hvordan musikk og kultur kan bidra til psykisk velvære (Jan Hermanson) og om betydningen av arkitektur med symbolske uttrykk for det hellige (Einar Strumse). Knut Hestad gir en introduksjon til tematikken og Sternbergs tenkning og leder programmet sammen med Lars Danbolt ved Religionspsykologisk senter (RPS), Sykehuset Innlandet HF, som er arrangør i samarbeid med Norsk religions- psykologisk fagforum og Kreftforeningen Innlandet.
Jeg vil gerne gøre opmærksom på en fremragende artikel:
“Meaning Making in an Atheist world” af Scnell og Keenan, Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (2011) 55-78. Den indeholder bl.a. en oversigt over Schnells mangeårige arbejde med at finde kilder til meningsskabelse. Hun finder 26 af slagsen.
Herunder følger information fra Niko Kohls og Arndt Büssing vedr. TASKKONFERENCE til september.
Hiermit möchten wir die diesjährige TASK-Tagung ankündigen, zu der wir wieder nach Witten einladen, da es in BERLIN doch Zeitprobleme gibt. Vorgesehen ist nun der 15./16.09.2011. – Wer Vortragsangebote im Kontext der Arbeitsgruppen hat – oder solche für das Plenum -, möge sich bitte wieder bei uns melden. Für die geplante eigene TASK-Webseite suchen wir immer noch ein Sponsoring, jedoch zwei Alternativ-Szenarios, die wir bald umsetzten sollten. Weitere Infos hierzu kommen noch. Das TASK-Buch ist nun in der Zielgeraden und erscheint Ende April beim Springer-Verlag unter dem Titel „Spiritualität transdisziplinär. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen im Zusammenhang mit Gesundheit und Krankheit“. Hier ist der Link.
In diesem Kontext möchten wir auch auf das Buch „Gesundheit – Religion – Spiritualität. Konzepte – Befunde – Erklärungsansätze“ des TASK-Mitgliedes Constantin Klein hinweisen, das im Juventa-Verlag erschienen ist. Hier der Link.
Zwei anstehenden Gründungen von zwei Gesellschaften in unserem Kontext wurden schon bei der letzten Tagung angesprochen. (1) International Society of SPIRITUALITY, Religion and Health (ISSRH), die bei der Tagung in Bern konsentiert wurde – nähere Informationen folgen (2) Gründungs-Symposion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Gesundheit und Spiritualität vom 6.-8.10.2011 in München. Persönlichkeiten, die sich für die Mitgliedschaft und für den Konsensprozess zum Thema “Spiritualität in den Gesundheitsberufen” interessieren, werden gebeten mit [email protected] Kontakt aufzunehmen. Da wir als TASK keinen eigenen Gesellschafts-/Vereinsstatus anstreben (die Unabhängigkeit wurde von den Tagungsteilnehmern als essentiell eingeschätzt), sollten sich Interessierte in diesen künftigen Gesellschaften aktiv einbringen – nur können wir das aus formalen Gründen nicht als TASK (im Sinne eines Vereines oder Fachgesellschaft).
Wir hoffen, dass sich auch für die anstehende TASK-Tagung wieder viele KollegInnen anmelden und sich aktiv einbringen, denn davon lebt TASK.
Mit vielen Grüßen Niko Kohls und Arndt Büssing für das Steuerungsgremium
P.S. Bitte geben Sie Rückmeldung, wenn Sie weiterhin über die TASK-Tagungen informiert werden wollen. Ansonsten würden wir die Infos an Sie nicht mehr versenden.
Cecilia A. Melder, religionspsykolog fra Uppsala UNIVERSITET, færdiggjorde sin afhandling “Vilsenhetens epidemiologi: En religionspsykologisk studie i existentiell folkhälsa” i januar 2011.
Her er et kort uddrag fra pressemeddelelsen: Många i vårt moderna sekulariserade samhälle lider av existentiell ohälsa vilket i förlängningen leder till att vi mår sämre även psykiskt och fysiskt. Det menar religionspsykologen och uppsaladoktoranden Cecilia Melder. I sin avhandling, som läggs fram i januari, föreslår hon att man utformar samhälleliga insatser för att råda bot på den bristande existentiella hälsan. Link til pressemeddelelse
Abstract The existential dimension has gained importance in health studies in the last decades (Moreira-Almeida & Koenig, 2006; DeMarinis, 2008). Little Swedish research exists in this area. A pilot study was conducted in a suburban Stockholm, Church of Sweden parish. Research question was: “How does the existential dimension of health, understood as the ability to create and maintain a functional meaning-makings system, affect the person’s self-rated health and quality of life?” Theoretical framework included: health research focusing the existential dimension; public health through psychology of religion; and, object-relations theory. The mixed-methods format included semi-structured interviews, and SURVEYS: 1) on meaning-making, and 2) Swedish pilot translation of WHOQOL-SRPB (self-rated health and quality of life including spirituality, religiousness and personal beliefs). Central results showed a positive relation between the existential health dimension and: overall ratings of physical, mental, social, and environmental health (p = .008); the overall existential health dimension and mental health (p = .008); and, social health (p= .046) and, the combined health items “How do you feel?” and “How satisfied are you with your health?” (p = .001). These results find support in WHO’s health perspective, and are linked to DeMarinis’ health dimensions and Winnicott’s understanding of potential space. Health dimensions: physical, mental, social, ecological and existential, are closely interlinked. The existential dimension is important through interaction with the others, and through its function as an autonomous health dimension. The study underlines the need for – and offers a culturally-tested method and model to explore existential needs in this secularized context.
Den 14. april udkom “Hvad i alverden er meningen? Om at leve med kronisk sygdom og HANDICAP af Lisbeth Riisager Henriksen (red.)”. Bogen er tilegnet mennesker, der lever med kronisk sygdom og handicap og deres pårørende, samt behandlere, læger, sundhedspersonale, psykologer, præster mv. Den skildrer de sociale og eksistentielle problemstillinger, som kan opstå i livet, når man lever med kronisk sygdom og handicap.
Man kan læse mere om bogen i pressemeddelelsen her.
Thora Grothe Thomsen, member of the Network for Research in Faith and Health, defended her ph.d.-thesis Monday November 29th. Her ph.d.-thesis is entitled ”Advanced cancer patients as PARTICIPANTS in their own lives. A grounded theory study of coping from a patient perspective”.
The overall aim of her research project was to develop a Grounded Theory to focus on the core characteristic of coping in advanced cancer patients that, from a patient perspective is significant for how patients with a serious cancer handle problems and feelings in interaction with their environment. Through a qualitative interview study, the thesis concludes that coping in advanced cancer patients is centered on maintaining or re-establishing the feeling of being a participant in one’s own life. It is furthermore concluded, that coping cannot be explained only as a person’s efforts to adapt to STRESSFUL situations. Coping must also be understood as a process where the patient acts with the intention of reassessing their situation and thereby achieving a better connection between their view of the world and the actual situation, which can increase positive feelings in the middle of an otherwise very difficult situation. As Thora shows, existential resources may be very important in this regard.
Thora has kindly allowed the PARTICIPANTS of the network to download the entire ph.d.-thesis here.
The ISIH CONFERENCE addresses issues of power, practice and ethics in health care.
The CONFERENCE is a forum for international researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplinary and professional backgrounds employing critical perspectives to discuss problems pertaining to sickness and health in the 21st century.
The deadline for abstract submission has been postponed and abstracts are especially encouraged from the following topic areas: – Conceptualizations of health and WELL‐being and their technical and political implications – The framing of health and disease in the light of new health care technologies – Adherence and self‐care in self‐administered health care – Personalized medicine and the management of health risk – Media, knowledge and ideology in the social construction of risks to the ‘healthy’ body – RELATIONSHIPS between professional practices and notions of health, treatment and experiences of illness and health – Critical analyses of professionalising discourses in professional healthcare practices – Scope of practice and professional boundary work in health care teams – The social and cultural contexts of health
The keynote SPEAKERS are: Professor Davina Allen, Cardiff University, Wales Senior Lecturer John Paley, University of Stirling, Scotland Professor Lorna Rhodes, University of Washington, USA Professor Mats Alvesson, Lund University, Sweden Professor Ole Dreier, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
For further information, updates on keynote speakers, submission of abstracts and online registration, visit the website of the CONFERENCE
Kære Netværk! Thora Grothe Thomsen, medlem af Netværk for Forskning i Tro og Helbred, FORSVARER sin ph.d.-afhandling med titlen “Advanced cancer patients as participants in their own lives. A grounded theory study of coping from a patient perspective” på mandag den 29. november kl. 15.30 i det Store Auditorium, Winsløwsparken 15, 1, 5000 Odense C. Se opslaget i vedhæftede word-dokument for yderligere informationer. Bedste hilsener, Niels Christian Thora Grothe Ph.d.-opslag
Kære Netværk for Forskning i Tro og Helbred, Den to-årige konference for International Association for the Psychology of Religion finder sted i BARI, Italien, i August 2011. Konferencen er relevant for alle, der arbejder med projekter, der berører det religionspsykologiske felt, herunder eksistentielle overvejelser og behov hos både patienter og sundhedsprofessionelle. Og BARI er ikke det værste sted, man kan være på konference. Der er deadline for Abstract Submission den 1. februar 2011. Se mere under Bedste hilsener, Niels Christian
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Forskerskolen Religion og Samfund, Københavns Universitet, afholder den 2.-3. december PhD WORKSHOPmed titlen “Religion, Health and Illness” ved Professor Dr. Dr. Günter Thomas, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Det præliminære program lyder som følger: Thursday, December 2, 1-3 pm (room 214, Bispetorvet 1-3) Lecture: “Creation and Redemption after the End of Metaphysics” Friday, December 3, 12-5 pm (room 214, Bispetorvet 1-3) Lecture: “Illness within the Horizon of Changing Understandings of Finitude and Death”, followed by discussion and response to PhD presentations. ECTS: 2.5 med presentation ECTS: 0.5 uden presentation. Information og registrering (deadline 15. november ): [email protected] Se for yderligere information og programmæssige opdateringer.
On November 4th to 6th 2010 the López-Ibor Chair on Mystic and MENTAL HEALTH, University of Mystic, will host its first big academic event: The International Symposium on Psychiatry and Religious Experience in the historic town of Ávila, Spain. The overall aim of the symposium is to provide a high-quality, comprehensive overview of all topics related to psychiatry and religious experiences. Based on the fact that there has been an increasing interest in the study of the significance of religious experiences in those suffering from mental illnesses, the aim of the symposium is to study the relationship between religion, SPIRITUALITY and psychopathology in the interest of helping MENTAL HEALTHprofessionals, patients, carers and religious leaders. The main topics of the symposium are – Religious Traditions, MENTAL HEALTH and Mental Diseases – Psychiatry and Religion. Beyond Boundaries. – Religious Experience and Mental disorders (Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Melancholia, OCD). – The Dignity of Human Beings in Health and Disease. WPA Consensus Statement on Spirituality and Mental Health The registration fee is 220 € for all professionals (though 450 € for psychiatrists and medical doctors) and includes attendance to the sessions of the symposium, coffee breaks and lunches on November 4th and 5th, symposium documentation and certificate of attendance. Please note that the deadline for abstract submission has expired. For further information and online registration, visit the WEBSITE of the symposium here.
We would like to remind you that on September 20th-21st 2010 The Danish Cancer Society, the Scandinavian Journal Acta Oncologica and the National Research Center of Cancer Rehabilitation will HOST the Nordic Cancer Rehabilitation Symposium in Copenhagen, Denmark. This symposium offers an opportunity to gain more insight into subjects related to cancer rehabilitation including: – INTERVENTIONS on treatment of physical and psychosocial symptoms and late effects – Health behavior INTERVENTIONS