Consists in this version of 29 items developed by Pargament et al and published in 1990.
The questions are focused on religious coping as a coping strategy which – like other strategies – can have as well a beneficial as a less beneficial effect on a crisis. It distinguishes between 3 different coping strategies: the deferring, the collaborative, and the self-directive. In 1998 it was developed to contain 63 items that describes 21 methods in the field of religious coping. This was tested on as well elderly ill patients as healthy students. Furthermore a brief RCOPE has been developed (1998) with 14 items of which 7 measures positive religious coping and 7 measures negative religious coping (Koenig et al 2001:502).
Består her af 29 items, som er udviklet af Pargament et al og publiceret i 1990.
Spørgeskemaet fokuserer på religiøs coping, som en copingstrategi, der på linie med andre, kan have både gavnlig og mindre gavnlig effekt på en krise. Skelner mellem 3 forskellige copingstrategier, the deferring, the collaborative og the self-directive. Siden (1998) udviklet til 63 items, som forholder sig til 21 metoder inden for religiøs coping. Denne er både testet på ældre syge patienter og raske studerende. Der er desuden udviklet en brief RCOPE (1998), med 14 items, hvoraf 7 måler positiv religiøs coping og 7 måler negativ religiøs coping (Koenig et al 2001:502)