Ph.d.-forsvar ved Christina Prinds 19. marts 2015 kl. 14:00

Emne:     ”Moderskab, tro og eksistens – eksistentiel meningsdannelse hos danske førstegangsmødre” Tid:         Torsdag, den 19. marts 2015 kl. 14.00 Sted:        Auditoriet, J.B. Winsløws Vej 25, st., 5000 Odense C Bedømmelsesudvalg: Professor Ellen Blix, maternell og reproduktiv helse, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. Norge Professor Søren Holm, Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet og School…

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Afsluttede Ph.D. Projekter

Denmark: Ph.D.,, cand.mag, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Thinking in Action, Re-thinking Life – Socratic Dialogue with People in Cancer Rehabilitation (abstract in danish and english) Full thesis can be obtained upon request to [email protected] Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, submitted July 2015 Publikationer i PURE Sygeplejerske, cand.…

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Om Susan Strangs ph.d.-afhandling: Thesis by Susan Strang: EXISTENTIAL CHALLENGES AND COPING IN PALLIATIVE CANCER CARE – Experiences of patients and family members

Susan Strang has defended a ph.d.-thesis at the Karolinske Institutet in Sweden in 2008 with the title Existential Challenges and Coping in Palliative Care – Experiences of patients and family members. It is now available here. She has other interesting article with relevance for the field of faith and health, published with her brother Peter Strang: Existential…

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Ny ph.d.-afhandling om københavnernes tro

A new PhD thesis by sociologist of religion Ina Rosen examines the faith of Copenhageners. Click here to read more about the thesis in the danish paper Kristeligt Dagblad.Religionssociolog Ina Rosen har netop færdiggjort sin ph.d.-afhandling ved Lunds Universitet, der undersøger københavnernes forhold til tro og religion. Hun har interviewet 12 grupper med tre informanter…

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Forholdet mellem tro og helbred blandt tvillinger i Danmark

Description of the researchproject on the relationship between faith and health among Danish twins in Danish: Forholdet mellem tro og helbred Et tværvidenskabeligt forskningsprojekt med anvendelse af det Danske Tvillingeregister Baggrund og formål Et nyt forskningsprojekt indenfor Netværk for Forskning i Tro og Helbred med start i 2009 ønskes forholdet mellem tro og helbred udforsket i samarbejde…

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