A list of articles related to research in faith and health in the Danish network over the last decade or so is collected here

New publication: Is Religiousness Associated with Better Lifestyle and Health Among Danes? Findings from SHARE

Newly published article from members of the network regarding the association between religiosness and health among danes. See paper here: https://rdcu.be/b4AwM Abstract: Evidence of a possible association between religion and health in secular societies is sparse. We therefore conducted a nationwide study using data from 1596 Danes aged 50 + who participated in the Survey…

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Hostility to Hospitality: Spirituality and Professional Socialization within Medicine

Dear Friends and Colleagues,  Tracy and Michael Balboni from Harvard Medical School have published an interesting book together titled Hostility to Hospitality: Spirituality and Professional Socialization within Medicine with Oxford University Press: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/hostility-to-hospitality-9780199325764?cc=dk&lang=en& There have been many interesting responses to the book.  There is an entire special issue of Society with reflections on and responses to the…

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Effects of existential interventions on spiritual, psychological, and physical well-being in adult patients with cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

[:en]Dear All, Here is a new article that will interest many of you: Bauereiss, N., et al. (2018). “Effects of existential interventions on spiritual, psychological, and physical well-being in adult patients with cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.” Psychooncology 27(11): 2531-2545.             OBJECTIVES: To synthesize the evidence of existential interventions in adult…

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Religion as a resource in physical illness – a literature review

[:en]Psychologist Caroline Lind Pedersen from the cancer counseling unit on Bornholm, Denmark, has written a literature review on the subject of religion as a resource when facing physical illness, in connection with her training as a specialist in psychotherapy. The article touches upon topics such as increasing religiosity during illness, longevity in religious individuals, relation between religiosity and…

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Kirke og Helse – Den Norske Kirke

Kirke og Helse er en meget interessant artikel, udarbejdet af Kirkerådet, som, kort sagt, diskuterer og reflekterer over hvordan Den Norske Folkekirke bidrager til et meningsfyldt og sundt liv. Uddrag fra forordet: “Dette heftet gjengir en lett bearbeidet utgave av det saksdokumentet Kirkemøtet hadde til behandling. Det tematiserer kirkens helserelaterte tjeneste i vid forstand: som…

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New Article on The role of religious faith, spirituality and existential considerations among heart patients in a secular society

Dear Nordic Colleagues, Sidsel Bekke-Hansen, Christina Gundgaard Pedersen and colleagues have a new article out: The role of religious faith, spirituality and existential considerations among heart patients in a secular society: Relation to depressive symptoms 6 months post acute coronary syndrome It is available on-line here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23568950 If you know of other articles of interest to…

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To nye artikler, der er helt centrale for vores område, som det i øjeblikket ser ud

Two new articles published in “Mental Helath, Religion & Culture” (Vol 14, no. 3-4) are very relevant to our field. One is called: “The difficulties assessing spirtiual distress in palliative care patients: a qualitative study”  from the UK. The other is called: “Posttraumatic spiritual groth: a phenomenological study of cancer survivors” and from the USA.…

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Ny artikel af Peter la Cour med titlen "Religionspsykologi og klientarbejde"

Dear Network This new article on religion and coping written by Peter la Cour will be of interest to many of you: http://infolink2003.elbo.dk/PsyNyt/Dokumenter/doc/16757.pdf. Best regards Niels Christian Kære Netværk, Følgende artikel i Psykolognyt af Peter la Cour vil interessere mange: http://infolink2003.elbo.dk/PsyNyt/Dokumenter/doc/16757.pdf. Bedste hilsener, Niels Christian

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Om Susan Strangs ph.d.-afhandling: Thesis by Susan Strang: EXISTENTIAL CHALLENGES AND COPING IN PALLIATIVE CANCER CARE – Experiences of patients and family members

Susan Strang has defended a ph.d.-thesis at the Karolinske Institutet in Sweden in 2008 with the title Existential Challenges and Coping in Palliative Care – Experiences of patients and family members. It is now available here. She has other interesting article with relevance for the field of faith and health, published with her brother Peter Strang: Existential…

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Ny artikel om patienters perspektiver på årsager til sygdom og veje til helbredelse

Associate professor, Master of Arts, PhD at Roskilde University Tove Elisabeth Kruse published in December 2009 her senior researcher project entitled ‘Interpretation of illness and use of history. A patients’ perspective on causes of illness and roads to healing’. Bibliotek for Læger, 2009, vol. 201, p. 432-459. Read the article in danish. Abstract: In this article the interpretation…

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Ny ph.d.-afhandling om københavnernes tro

A new PhD thesis by sociologist of religion Ina Rosen examines the faith of Copenhageners. Click here to read more about the thesis in the danish paper Kristeligt Dagblad.Religionssociolog Ina Rosen har netop færdiggjort sin ph.d.-afhandling ved Lunds Universitet, der undersøger københavnernes forhold til tro og religion. Hun har interviewet 12 grupper med tre informanter…

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Social inequality and incidence of and survival from tumours of the central nervous system in a population-based study in Denmark, 1994–2003

Social inequality and incidence of and survival from tumours of the central nervous system in a population-based study in Denmark, 1994–2003 . European Journal of Cancer , Volume 44 , Issue 14 , Pages 2050 – 2057.   L . Schmidt , H . Nielsen , S . Schmiedel , C . Johansen Abstract We investigated the…

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Betydning af religiøs tro og eksistentielt velbefindende for kræftpatienters livskvalitet

The importance of spiritual well-being for cancer patients’ quality of life: MSc in psychology Christina Gundgaard Pedersen & professor Bobby Zachariae. Aarhus University Hospital, Department of oncology, Psyco-Oncology Research Unit. Ugeskrift for Læger 2008; 170 (10):847 Research indicates unmet religious and spiritual needs among cancer patients both internationally and in a secular society like Denmark. Obtaining…

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Danske patienter intensiverer eksistentielle tanker og religiøst liv

Read the article Existential thoughts and religious life of Danish patients in Ugeskrift for Læger nr. 21/2008. Summary: Introduction: The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether Danish patients have existential and religious thoughts and if these thoughts are intensified by illness and hospital admittance. Furthermore, we wish to investigate if patients have a higher degree…

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