Cancer patients’ existential concerns – seminar 2 is held 29.-30. October 2009.
The seminar focuses on cancer patients’ existential concerns, especially in relation to ethics and aesthetics. The central themes will be: patients’ ethical questions and dilemmas in relation to cancer treatment, rehabilitation and palliation, aesthetics in relation to for example hospital architecture, care, treatment, psychosocial interventions, food and communication. |
Kurset Cancer patients’ existential concerns – seminar 2 finder sted d. 29.-30. oktober 2009. Der er lukket for tilmelding til kurset, som indgår i Ph.d.-programmet i Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning.
Kursusleder: Helle Ploug Hansen, Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, SDU, leder af Miljø for Humanistisk Kræftforskning (mifohuk). | |
The seminar focuses on cancer patients’ existential concerns, especially in relation to ethics and aesthetics. The central themes will be: patients’ ethical questions and dilemmas in relation to cancer treatment, rehabilitation and palliation, aesthetics in relation to for example hospital architecture, care, treatment, psychosocial interventions, food and communication. |
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