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Dear Network, This is an invitation to MD Alex Kappel Kørup’s oral defence of his doctoral thesis titled: “Influence of physicians’ religiosity and spirituality on their clinical practice – an international comparative study”. Alex has been working on his thesis part-time for six years, while at the same time being a resident medical doctor…
Dear Colleagues (rest of post is in Danish) Vi er på Forskningsenheden for Almen Praksis, SDU, i gang med at teste et spørgeskema omkring eksistentielle og åndelige behov. Det omhandler bl.a. temaer såsom generel trivsel, tilfredshed med livet, værdier og oplevet mening, og bygger på fremtrædende internationale forskeres arbejder, Tatjana Schnell, Arndt Büssing og…
Project title: Healing Experiences and the Lived Body Qualitative empirical study of healing experiences related to sources from Christian faith and practice The aim: The aim of this research project, which started in 2016, is to investigate religious healing experiences, healing practices and healing education related to what is understood by the participants as sources…
Dear Network This is a call for help to validate the new Danish translation of the Meaning and Purpose Scale (MAPS by Prof. Tatjana Schnell) and the rest of the post will be in Danish. En field-test mhp. validering af MAPS er blevet igangsat af pyskologistuderende Sebastian Bloch og flere andre af vore kolleger. Det…
Dear Colleagues (university employees: faculty, staff and other members) and university students! We are three researchers (University of Gävle), Uppsala University, Mälardalen University) who have started an international research study on Coping with Covid-19. The study is part of a larger international survey, in about ten countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all concerning different aspects of our life and…
Project period: 2020-2023 Tobias Kvist Stripp is a medical doctor and has begun as ph.d.-student with Niels Christian Hvidt as main supervisor on a project regarding spiritual needs among cancer patients and people who have survived cardiac arrest. It will include also the Greyson Scale on Near Death Experiences. ABSTRACT Background Research shows that people…
The Corona crisis has turned everyday life upside down, and many have become accustomed to new ways of being together. Crises can be both upsetting and disturbing – and they can trigger new reactions, priorities and insights into good and evil. This study focuses on how the corona crisis has affected the people, how it…
[:en] Afhandlingens bagsidetekst: Afhandlingen undersøger om den terapeutiske kultur har betydning for danske hospitals- og hospicepræsters tænkning, tro og praksis. Undersøgelsen, der bygger på individuelle og fokusgruppeinterviews med denne gruppe præster, sker på baggrund af den litteratur, man almindeligvis refererer til under begreber som ”den terapeutiske kultur, ”psykologiens tidsalder”, ”det psykologiske samfund” og ”terapiens triumf”,…
Cand. mag i religionsvidenskab og antropologi, Ricko Damberg Nissen E-mail: [email protected] PhD-projekt: Psychiatry, Religion, and Spirituality: A study on how psychiatrists approach religious/spiritual topics in Danish psychiatric clinical practice (abstract in english) Ricko is expected to defend his project in 2019.
Religionshistoriker, ph.d., postdoc på Sociologisk Institutet, KU, Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg E-mail: [email protected] PhD-projekt: At nærme sig døden – menneskeligt og metodisk: En kvalitativ undersøgelse af kristne og muslimske kræftpatienter i palliative forløb (summary in danish and english) (complete project in danish). Forsvaret i juli, 2017.
[:en]References about the development of spiritual care in Denmark: 1. Assing Hvidt E, Hansen DG, Ammentorp J, Bjerrum L, Cold S, Gulbrandsen P, et al. Development of the EMAP tool facilitating existential communication between general practitioners and cancer patients. Eur J Gen Pract. 2017:1-8. doi: 10.1080/13814788.2017.1326479 2. Assing Hvidt E, Søndergaard J, Ammentorp J, Bjerrum…
Professor in sociology at the University of Gävle, Fereshteh Ahmadi, and a range of other prominent researchers in the field of meaning-making and coping are conducting a study on existential meaning-making coping in people diagnosed with cancer across eight countries, with several more countries to be involved prospectively. The goal of this international project is…
[:en]The research program Young Adults and Religion in a Global Perspective YARG aims at exploring contemporary religiosities, worldviews and values globally. The project has implemented and developed a mixed-method study that is currently conducted in China, India, Israel, Japan, Ghana, Peru, Poland, Russia, Finland and Sweden, USA and Turkey. In addition to assessing contemporary religiosities,…
[:en]Sygeplejerske, cand.cur., ph.d., lektor på University College Sjælland, Vibeke Steenfeldt Østergaard E-mail: [email protected] PhD-projekt: Hospice – et levende hus: Analyse af levet liv og omsorg på hospice som bidrag til forståelse af åndelig omsorg (summary in danish and english) (complete project in danish). Forskerskolen i Livslang Læring, Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning, Roskilde Universitet. Forsvaret i april 2013.…
Kjetil Moen, PhD E-mail: [email protected] Assistant professor at Institute of Health Science, University of Stavanger Ph.d.-projekt:”The personal in the professional in end of life care.” (Defended 2016) Abstract
[:en]Liv Skomakerstuen Ødbehr, PhD Email: [email protected] PhD-project: “Spiritual care in dementia nursing. A qualitative, exploratory study.” Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Institute of Health and Society Department of Nursing Science. Defended December 2015. Abstract. Publications. [:DA]Liv Skomakerstuen Ødbehr, PhD Email: [email protected] PhD-project: “Spiritual care in dementia nursing. A qualitative, exploratory study.” Faculty of Medicine, University of…
Hilde Hanevik, PhD E-mail: [email protected] PhD-project: “The significance of Religiousness in coping with Psychosis. A qualitative study.” Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo. Defended August 2016. Abstract
Sigrid Helene Kjørven Haug, PhD E-mail: [email protected] PhD-project: ”The illness experiences of older people with incurable cancer in specialized palliative health care contexts. A qualitative study in clinical psychology of religion of the interactions between daily living and existential meaning–making.” Innlandet Hospital Trust, Norwegian School of Theology. Defended October 2015. Abstract Publications
Victor Dudas is a doctoral student at the department of theology, Uppsala Universitet, where he is researching on processes of acculturation (cultural learning) and identity development among ethnic minorities. His master’s thesis focused on the role of religiosity among Assyrians/Syrians in sweden, concerning the development of ego-identity and the practice of ritualization, within the process…
Lektor, sygeplejerske Marie Toftdahl Sørensen (CV) E-mail: [email protected] Master’s Thesis/Speciale: At få lov til at gå med det religiøse i hovedet – religiøse sindslidendes oplevelser under indlæggelse (complete thesis) Afdeling for Sygeplejevidenskab Aarhus Universitet, forsvaret juli 2005 Publikationer Lektor, sygeplejerske Marie Toftdahl Sørensen (CV) E-mail: [email protected] Master’s Thesis/Speciale: At få lov til at gå med det religiøse…
Ph.D., cand.mag. i humanistisk palliation og thanatologi Vibeke Poulsen Graven E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Hospicefilosofi i praksis – eksistentiel/åndelig omsorg for døende på hospice (summary in english) Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Ålborg Universitet, defended January 2015 Publikationer januar 2016Ph.D., cand.mag.i humanistisk palliation og thanatologi Vibeke Poulsen Graven E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Hospicefilosofi i praksis…
Ph.D.,, cand.mag, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Thinking in Action, Re-thinking Life – Socratic Dialogue with People in Cancer Rehabilitation (abstract in danish and english) Full thesis can be obtained upon request to [email protected] Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, submitted July 2015 Publikationer i PURE Ph.D.,, cand.mag,…
Sygeplejerske, cand. scient.san., ph.d. Lene Moestrup E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: I dødens nærvær – en kvalitativ undersøgelse af, hvordan patienter på hospice og deres pårørende forholder sig til eksistentielle aspekter af livet tæt på døden (abstract) Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, completed April 2015 PublikationerSygeplejerske, cand. scient.san., ph.d. Lene Moestrup E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: I dødens…
Psykolog, ph.d. Dorte Toudal Viftrup E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Personal crisis, Religious Coping and Transformations. A Qualitative Study on Pentecostal Danes’ Experiences of Religious Beliefs and Practices while facing a Crisis (complete thesis) Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, defended February 2015. Publikationer januar 2015 Publikationer i PURE Psykolog, ph.d. Dorte Toudal Viftrup E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt:…
Jordemoder, cand.scient.san., RM, ph.d. Christina Prinds E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Motherhood transition through an existential lens – meaning‐making among Danish first‐time mothers (complete thesis) Research Unit of Gynaechology and Obstetrics, University of Southern Denmark, defended 2015. Publikationer i PURE
Religionssociolog Nadja Ausker E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Tid til forandring. Forhandlinger af religiøs kontinuitet, forandring og forbrug hos kræftpatienter i Danmark (abstract) Eng.: Time for a change? Negotiations of religious continuity, change, and consumption among Danish cancer patients. University of Copenhagen, completed 2012 Publikationer oktober 2014 Publikationer på academia Religionssociolog Nadja Ausker E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Tid til forandring. Forhandlinger af religiøs…
Mag. art. i komparativ religionshistorie og religionssociologi og ph.d. i humanistisk sundhedsforsking Elisabeth Assing Hvidt E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Existential meaning orientations. A humanistic-qualitative investigation of Danish people in cancer rehabilitation (abstract) Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet, afsluttet november 2013. Publikationer oktober 2014 Publikationer i PURE$Mag. art. i komparativ religionshistorie og religionssociologi og ph.d. i humanistisk sundhedsforsking…
Teolog Christine Tind Johannessen-Henry E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Hverdagskristendommens polydoksi: En empirisk-teologisk undersøgelse af tro i cancerrejsens kontekst Eng.: The Polydoxy of Everyday Christianity: An Empirical-Theological Study of Faith in the Context of Cancer (thesis) Afsluttet august 2013 Publikationer oktober 2014 Publikationer i PURETeolog Christine Tind Johannessen-Henry E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Hverdagskristendommens polydoksi: En empirisk-teologisk undersøgelse af tro i cancerrejsens…
Sygeplejerske, cand. mag. Ingeborg Ilkjær E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Ånde-nød. En undersøgelse af eksistentielle og åndelige fænomeners betydning for patienter med alvorlig kronisk lungesygdom (thesis) (abstract) Eng.: Difficulties in breathing. An investigation of significance of existential and spiritual phenomena for seriously ill patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Afsluttet 2012 Publikationer oktober 2014Sygeplejerske, cand. mag. Ingeborg Ilkjær…
Ph.d., associate professor Maria Kristiansen, Department of Health Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University E-mail: [email protected] (CV). Ph.d.-projekt: Migration og social støtte i relation til screening og behandling for kræft – et sammenlignende, multi-metode studie Eng.: Migration and Social Support in Relation to Cancer Screening and Cancer Care – A Comparative Multiple-Methods Study Afsluttet februar…
Biolog og filosof Majken Belusa E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Det gode liv – lykkes det? Kræftpatienters oplevelser hos behandlere der arbejder med healing (project description) (summary) Eng.: The good life – will it succeed? Cancer patients’ experiences with healing therapists Afsluttet marts 2010Biolog og filosof Majken Belusa E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Det gode liv – lykkes det? Kræftpatienters oplevelser hos behandlere…
Psykolog Heidi Frølund Pedersen, ekstern lektor ved Psykologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, forsker ved Forskningsklinikken for Funktionelle Lidelser, Aarhus Universitets Hospital E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Tro og spiritualitet blandt danske kræftpatienter – betydningen for mestring og livskvalitet (abstract) Afsluttet oktober 2013 Publikationer oktober 2014 Publikationer i PUREPsykolog Heidi Frølund Pedersen, ekstern lektor ved Psykologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, forsker ved Forskningsklinikken…
RN, MScN, Ph.d, Associate professor Kristianna Hammer E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Portraying Hope: A study among women newly diagnosed with gynaecological cancer (abstract) Department of Nursing, Faculty of Natural and Health Sciences, University of The Faroe Islands, ended August 2010 Publikationer Oktober 2014 RN, MScN, Ph.d, Associate professor Kristianna Hammer E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Portraying Hope: A study among women newly diagnosed…
Sygeplejerske cand. mag. post. doc. Thora Grothe Thomsen E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Advanced cancer patients as participants in their own lives. A grounded theory study of coping from a patient perspective (abstract) (thesis) Syddansk Universitet, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, afsluttet november 2010 Publikationer oktober 2014 Publikationer i PURESygeplejerske cand. mag. post. doc. Thora Grothe Thomsen E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Advanced…
Cand. mag., ph.d. Mette Terp Høybye E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Internet based support in the rehabilitation of Danish cancer survivors. A randomized anthropological and epidemiological study (abstract) Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, afsluttet 2009 Publikationer oktober 2014 Publikationer i PURE Cand. mag., ph.d. Mette Terp Høybye E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Internet based support in the rehabilitation of…
Cand. mag., ph.d. Anita Ulrich E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Narrativ fleksibilitet i sygdomsforløb med kræft – kræftpatienters fortællinger om etableret og alternativ behandling. (abstract) (thesis) Publikationer december 2014 Publikationer på academiaCand. mag., ph.d. Anita Ulrich E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Narrativ fleksibilitet i sygdomsforløb med kræft – kræftpatienters fortællinger om etableret og alternativ behandling. (abstract) (thesis) Publikationer december 2014 Publikationer…
Cand. psyk., ph.d. Christina Gundgaard Pedersen E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Complementary and alternative medicine among cancer patients: Prevalence, user characteristics, and effectiveness for well-being (abstract) Department of Psychology, Aarhus University & Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, afsluttet 2010 Publikationer november 2014 Publikationer i PURE Cand. psyk., ph.d. Christina Gundgaard Pedersen E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Complementary and alternative medicine…
Anne Austad, Diakonhjemmet University College, Oslo E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: “Passing Away – Passing by”: A Qualitative Study of Experiences and Meaning Making of Post Death Presence. MF Norwegian School of Theology, forsvaret januar 2015 Publications in CristinAnne Austad, Diakonhjemmet University College, Oslo E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: “Passing Away – Passing by”: A Qualitative Study of Experiences and Meaning Making of…
Cand. Psyk., Ph.d. Peter la Cour E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Elementer til en moderne, dansk religionspsykologi (afhandling) Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, forsvaret september 2009 Publikationer på peterlacour.dkCand. Psyk., Ph.d. Peter la Cour E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Elementer til en moderne, dansk religionspsykologi (afhandling) Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, forsvaret september 2009 Publikationer på
Emne: ”Moderskab, tro og eksistens – eksistentiel meningsdannelse hos danske førstegangsmødre” Tid: Torsdag, den 19. marts 2015 kl. 14.00 Sted: Auditoriet, J.B. Winsløws Vej 25, st., 5000 Odense C Bedømmelsesudvalg: Professor Ellen Blix, maternell og reproduktiv helse, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. Norge Professor Søren Holm, Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet og School…
Denmark: Ph.D.,, cand.mag, Jeanette Bresson Ladegaard Knox E-mail: [email protected] Ph.d.-projekt: Thinking in Action, Re-thinking Life – Socratic Dialogue with People in Cancer Rehabilitation (abstract in danish and english) Full thesis can be obtained upon request to [email protected] Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, submitted July 2015 Publikationer i PURE Sygeplejerske, cand.…
Susan Strang has defended a ph.d.-thesis at the Karolinske Institutet in Sweden in 2008 with the title Existential Challenges and Coping in Palliative Care – Experiences of patients and family members. It is now available here. She has other interesting article with relevance for the field of faith and health, published with her brother Peter Strang: Existential…
Associate professor, Master of Arts, PhD at Roskilde University Tove Elisabeth Kruse published in December 2009 her senior researcher project entitled ‘Interpretation of illness and use of history. A patients’ perspective on causes of illness and roads to healing’. Bibliotek for Læger, 2009, vol. 201, p. 432-459. Read the article in danish. Abstract: In this article the interpretation…
A new PhD thesis by sociologist of religion Ina Rosen examines the faith of Copenhageners. Click here to read more about the thesis in the danish paper Kristeligt Dagblad.Religionssociolog Ina Rosen har netop færdiggjort sin ph.d.-afhandling ved Lunds Universitet, der undersøger københavnernes forhold til tro og religion. Hun har interviewet 12 grupper med tre informanter…
Description of the researchproject on the relationship between faith and health among Danish twins in Danish: Forholdet mellem tro og helbred Et tværvidenskabeligt forskningsprojekt med anvendelse af det Danske Tvillingeregister Baggrund og formål Et nyt forskningsprojekt indenfor Netværk for Forskning i Tro og Helbred med start i 2009 ønskes forholdet mellem tro og helbred udforsket i samarbejde…
A Danish cohort research project by Christoffer Johansen, Niels Christian Hvidt, Lau Caspar Thygesen, and others. We will investigate the association between religious belief and health. Why is it that persons engaged in religious societies seem to be at reduced risk for a number of chronic diseases? Before this question can be answered, we need valid data on…
A survey made by Peter La Cour, Nadja Ausker, Christian Juul Busch, Henning Nabe-Nielsen and Lotte Mørk indicates that disordered Danes believe more in God and have a higher rate of religious practice than the normal population (abstract and project description in Danish).Religionspsykolog Peter La Cour, religionssociolog Nadja Ausker og sygehuspræsterne Christian Juul Busch, Henning Nabe-Nielsen og Lotte Mørk…