Nye hjemmesider med skalaer!
Websites with scales on religion and scales on spritualit. In addition articles about the scales. Available here: Scales on religion. Scales on spirituality. Hjemmesider med skalaer om religion og skalaer om spiritualitet. Dertil vedhæftede nøgleartikler om skalaerne. Nyttige i forhold til at udbygge viden om måleredskaber. Kan findes her: Skalaer om religion. Skalaer om spiritualitet.
Francis-Louden Mystical Orientation Scale
English You can read more about the Francis-Louden Mystical Orientation Scale in this article The scale can be downloaded here. Danish Læs mere om the Francis-Louden Mystical Orientation Scale i denne artikel Skalaen kan downloades her.
Faith Maturity Scale (FMS)
English Faith Maturity Scale (FMS) is developed by Benson, Donahue and Erickson. FMS measures the strength of a persons relation to God and it’s influence on social relations. Read more about the scale here The scale can be downloaded here. Danish Faith Maturity Scale (FMS) er en skala, der er udviklet af Benson, Donahue og Erickson. FMS…
RST MultiLingual
English This test was made by the German Stefan Huber and is called Religiositäts-Struktur-Test (RST) or in english Structure of Religiosity Test. Read more about the test here. The scale can be downloaded here in German, English, and French. Danish Testen er udviklet af tyskeren Stefan Huber og benævnes uforkortet, Religiositäts-Struktur-Test (RST) eller på engelsk:…
RST kort version
English This test was made by the German Stefan Huber and is called Religiositäts-Struktur-Test (RST) or in english Structure of Religiosity Test. Read more about the test here. This is the short version of RST. The scale can be downloaded here. Danish Testen er udviklet af tyskeren Stefan Huber og benævnes uforkortet, Religiositäts-Struktur-Test (RST)…
Holland’s Spiritual Beliefs Inventory (German)
English Developed by Holland et al. in 1998. It consists of 15 items, 10 of wich measures religious belief, feelings and experiences and 5 of wich focus on the social support from the religious community. It has been tested on people with life threatening disease. The scale can be downloaded here Danish Udviklet af…
RCOPE German
[:en]Here is the German version of RCOPE. RCOPE was originally developed by Kenneth Pargament. In German it has been translated and validated by C. Zwingmann et al. and published in 2006. For more information click here. The scale can be downloaded here[:DA] Den tyske version af RCOPE. RCOPE blev oprindeligt udviklet af Kenneth Pargament. På tysk…
Spiritual Well-being Scale
[:en] Developed by Paloutzian & Ellison in 1982 and one of the most used scales altogether. The scale consists of 20 items, half of wich adresses a broad, religious conviction centred in an image of God (religious well-being), while the other half is of an existential, meaningfulness based character (existential well-being) without mentioning neither God…
Mysticism Scale
Developed by R. W. Hood Jr. in 1975 in an attempt to construct and initially validate a method to measure mystic experiences. [TABLE=27] The scale can be downloaded here Udviklet af R.W. Hood Jr. i 1975 i forsøget på at konstruere og indledningsvist validere en metode til at måle mystiske erfaringer udfra. [TABLE=27] Skalaen kan…