Virtual Meeting in “Honne” for the Nordic Network 20.-21. oct. 2020
Meaning Making & Covid-19: psychosocial, existential and spiritual implications of a pandemic
Nordic Research Network for Faith and Health annual conference in “Honne” – online summit 20.-21. October 2020
Zoom-link: You will receive the zoom-link in an email from in the days before the conference (estimated 19/10). If you have not received this, please email [email protected] in order to get the link to participate
NB: We will record the conference via Zoom with the purpose of publishing the recordings on If you do not wish to be recorded, we ask that you turn off you camera and microphone.
Tuesday 20th
18.00-19.00 Welcome, presentation of the participants, what’s up in the Nordic countries?
19.10-21.00 Corona studies in the Nordic countries, preliminary findings
19:10-19:30: Overview of German-Austrian-Danish-Norwegian,Swedish Covid-19-study and preliminary results by Tatjana Schnell
19:30-19:45: Preliminary results from Norway by Lars Danbolt
19:45-20:00: Preliminary findings from Denmark by Heidi Frølund
20:00-20:15: Preliminary findings from another Danish study by Peter la Cour
20:15-20:30: Preliminary findings from Sweden by Valerie DeMarinis / Önver Cetrez
20:30-20:45: Preliminary findings from international study by Fereshteh Ahmadi
20:45-21:00: Preliminary findings from international study by Suvi-Maria Saarelainen (Finland, Poland, Italy, Spain)
Wednesday 21st – PhD presentations
09.00-09.15 Virtual goodmorning, coffee/tea
09.15-09:40: PhD presentation by Tobias Stripp Kvist: “Psychosocial, existential and spiritual needs, practices and orientations in Danish cancer patients and cardiac arrest survivors”, response by Suvi-Maria Saarelainen
09:45-10:10: Presentation by Øystein Buer: “Exploring possible near-death experiences (NDE) among aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) patients at Oslo University Hospital/Rikshospitalet”, response by Niels Christian Hvidt
10:15-10:40: PhD presentation by Milla Korkalainen: “Bereavement & meaning-making”, response by Önver Cetrez
10:45-11:10: PhD presentation by Mudar Shakra: “Developing the research design for thesis “The acculturation process of Syrian Migrant families in Sweden caught between secular and religious family systems”, response by Sigrid Helene K Haug
11:10-11.30: Discussion and virtual farewell
Hourly Schedule
Day 1 - Corona studies in the Nordic countries, preliminary findings
- 1800 - 1900
- Welcome, presentation of the participants, what’s up in the Nordic countries?
- 1910 - 2100
- Corona studies in the Nordic countries, preliminary findings
Day 2 - PhD presentations, Discussion and virtual farewell
- 0900 - 0915
- Virtual goodmorning, coffee/tea
- 0915 - 1110
- PhD presentations and responses
- 15 mins presentations, 10 mins response and discussion
- 1110 - 1130
- Discussion and virtual farewell