Get ready for spiritual Care
Being present in hectic times: how to practice what you preach? Conference for nursing, midwifery and other health…
Being present in hectic times: how to practice what you preach? Conference for nursing, midwifery and other health…
[:en] Afhandlingens bagsidetekst: Afhandlingen undersøger om den terapeutiske kultur har betydning for danske hospitals- og hospicepræsters tænkning, tro…
[:en] PhD Oral Defence Session by Ricko Damberg Nissen with Title: “In That Most Secular of Rooms –…
[:en]Dear All, Here is a book that may be of interest. Munksgaard publishes a textbook on spiritual care.…
[:en] Dear All, This new book with individual chapters accessible at Springer might be of interest to many: …
Dear All, Ingela Visuri is about to publish a PhD-dissertation that may be of interest to you. It is…